So I braved Primark yesterday. That may seem like a weird way to put it, but if you're not familiar with Oxford street Primark you won't know how it is hell on earth. I had heard some right horror stories about the mess and the manic crazy people who shop there and it had put me right off going- in fact to the point where I'd managed to avoid going in there the last 5 months I have lived here. But alas I am a bit poor at the moment yet had a need to shop so I took a deep breath and went in. It was horrific, considering I went at like 6pm on an evening I have never seen anything like it, it paid off though as I picked myself a right treat of a bargain.

This (what I think is) very cool and fun summer dress with flamingo's. I know probably me and about 50,000 other people in the country will have it but I don't care for £9.00 (!) I couldn't really say no. I'm debating maybe change the buttons on it but it depends if I can really be bothered, and even if I don't the little gem buttons on it aren't too horrid. I'm going to wear it with my new brogues from asos, some white lace-frill socks from urban outfitters and hopefully a TAN on my legs, as right now they're so white they're see-through.
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