In my (kind of) defence, over the last 6 months I have been very very busy....I made the big move to LONDON TOWN. Finally, I got a (paid) full time job working as a studio set dresser and stylist for a television channel, which was amazing, I feel so lucky to get a paid job pretty much straight out of university as most people I know who graduate usually have to intern for free before they get a paid job so I feel VERY privileged.
Did I mention I LOVE living in London? Yeah it's expensive and the streets aren't exactly paved with gold, but even though I have been here 5 months I still have so much to explore and am definitely not bored yet.
I have a few favourite spots, Greenwich market on a Saturday for food from pretty much everywhere in the world....I'm talking Curried Goat to Roast beef and Yorkshire puds- so good! I also love Spitafields Market on a Thursday, it's a fab antiques market with lots and lots of things to want and look at.
At the moment I am living in New Cross, which is south east London and I really like it round here, although it's not quite cool 'east London' (Dalston, Hoxton..blah blah) I really think it's a good little secret place. It's zone 2, on the overground (which gets me to Shoreditch high street in 10 minutes and central London in like 20) but because it's not as popular the house prices as so much cheaper, I have got myself a whole flat to myself- for the price of what a room in a house in Shoreditch would cost pretty much) and I am really enjoying playing 'house'. New cross is really sweet as well, lots of Victorian terrace houses on tree-lined streets, parks and some really cool
little pubs and little cafes. Goldsmiths college is here too so there's quite a nice young vibe too.
Anyway, that's just a wee update, a lot has happened in 6 months, too much to bore you with but no excuses I will be a lot more disciplined with my blogging from now on! Brownies honour.
So a quick update for now on things I am liking at the moment to keep you going:
I now belong to the world of the iPhone, and I am addicted to it, as soon as I got it I downloaded the spotify app, which is great for new albums. Currently I am listening to on repeat:
**Sleigh Bells- Tell 'Em
I saw Sleigh Bells a few months ago for free in Kentish town, I really enjoyed it, I think my boyfriend enjoyed it more to be fair, he couldn't get enough of lead singer Alexis Krauss.
**Telepathe- Chrome's on it (gold panda remix)
This original version of this song used to get played a lot when I worked at Topshop and I didn't know who it was, nor was I that keen but I really enjoy this remix of it.
**Jack Penate- Pull my heart away (Jamie XX remix).
Again the original version of this song I'm really not that fussed about but I love the Jamie XX version and pretty much everything Jamie XX is doing at the moment.
Ok, so I know everyone's going on about it but my god, I still can't get enough of the Royal
Wedding!! Even though it was almost a week ago I am still obsessed with the pictures and everything...The dress! Wow. Kate, or should I now say- Catherine, duchess of Cambridge did look really stunning, the dress was perfect, not too in your face, it was subtle but really gorgeous and despite it being one of, if not 'the' most important wedding of the decade the secret whispers
and exchanges between the Royal couple kind of really bought it back to home that they are just a couple, in love like any other. I think what brought the whole thing down to earth so much more was when they appeared in the 'just married' car (that actually belongs to
Prince Charles, and it an eco-friendly car!) just made it so good and British- I loved it.

I have also took the step that I was humming and 'arring' over for months...I have ombre'd (or dip-dyed) my hair. I did consider going to Bleach in Dalston ( to get it done but they charge £80.00 and in the past I have had some success with dyeing my hair myself so I thought sod it I will give it ago myself, I got some blond highlighter (a mere £6.00!) and just applied it to the ends of my hair, I did it twice, the second time I concentrated on the ends of my hair so it gave it a graduating look and I am really pleased with the results! Although saying that I haven't got a decent picture yet....I will try soon. For Now, in case you have missed the 'dip-dye' trend (though how you could have I don't know as it's everywhere) here's a taste...

I haven't been that interesting and gone for Pink, just blond, but maybe as it get a bit more into summer maybe I will dare to go pink!
And Finally...
Yes, I know it is the most trash TV you can get, but I am really, really loving The Only way is Essex (ohhh the shame...). I just love it, and I love Joey Essex, he is 'reem' as they come haha (I think it's the tight jeans and the quiff that do it for me). I am planning a night out to sugarhut for sure.
Anyway, I think that's enough updating for now...As promised I will be a more behaved blogger from now on!
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