Sunday, 22 November 2009

'So, Are we agreed?'

I rediscovered my Love for Wes Anderson's 'The Darjeeling Limited' when I dug it out of my dvd box to watch the other day. In all of Wes Anderson's films he always seems to have an eye for detail and The Darjeeling limited is no different, infact it has the detail but it feels a lot more organic than his other films. The Train used in the film is an art directors dream and nightmare, Wes Anderson wanted it to be a fully working train it was not only expected to work as a setting but also be fully functional for filming purposes. As a result many of the walls folded away, and tricks including sinks on wheels were used to adapt to suit. I think it's all very clever.
Other details make me love that train, every single elephant and pattern painted on the train was painted by a different local craft men which could take hours to do each individual elephant meaning the whole train took weeks to complete.

The film reflects the setting perfect, India is portrayed as a beautiful bright and vibrant place and the film has a colour palette to match.

The Brothers in the film (which are played by Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman, who weirdly the latter two I have rather a crush on!) carry a rather lot of bagadge on the film. Which was designed by Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton (!). They are fabulous, no sign of the distinctive LV logo branded across the bag, instead the bag is covered in a Jungle pattern. I want one for Christmas!

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